macam permalink

Macam - macam permalink wordpress:

1. /%postname%/%post_id%/
2. /%category%/%postname%.html
3. /%postname%.html

$ganti = array('+',' '); //tanda plus dan spasi
$urlredirect = get_settings('home') . '/blog/' . str_replace($ganti, '-' ,$_GET['s']). '.html'; //tanda plus dan spasi jadi minus
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header( "Location: $urlredirect" );
<?php if ( is_search()) : ?>
<link rel="canonical" href="<?php bloginfo('url');?>/blog/<?php $ab=strtolower($s); echo str_replace(' ', '-',$ab); ?>.html" />
<meta name='description' content='Discover the latest info about <?php the_search_query(); ?> and read our other article related to <?php the_search_query(); ?>, at'/>
<meta name='keywords' content='<?php the_search_query(); ?> '/>
<?php endif ?>